Otherwise Network Salon

Am 6. April 2019 laden wir ein zum ersten Otherwise Network Salon. Wir freuen uns auf Maya Indira Ganesh (@mayameme), mit der wir über Emotionen und Affekte in digitalen Infrastrukturen diskutieren werden.

All The Feels

Weaving together academic texts, gifs and personal narratives, Maya’s performative provocation will introduce ‚affective infrastructures‘, a concept developed by the scholar Laurent Berlant. She will discuss this concept through examples such as #MeToo spreadsheets, and the emotional labour and management involved in making and managing disclosures of sexual abuse; and the capture and reproduction of emotions and affect by surveillance-capitalist technologies.

Samstag 6. April – 16 Uhr –  betahaus (ehem. taz-Gebäude, 1. Stock)
Rudi-Dutschke-Straße 23, 10969 Berlin

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